Hi, I’m Felix

I am a Senior Designer based in London, and I can design and build you a bespoke website that drives revenue by turning visitors into customers

Felix Rosen Designer

Collaborated with these industry-leading companies

Building you a site that performs, from concept to completion

Define a strategy

By specialising in crafting tailored strategies for your website, we start by understanding your goals and analysing any competition. We can strategically plan your website's content while also ensuring cohesive branding and a compelling tone of voice.

Pixel-perfect designs

We excel in creating visually stunning websites by carefully designing layouts, selecting impactful images and fonts, and ensuring optimal display across desktop, mobile, and tablet. Captivate visitors and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

Fully optimised build

Once your design is finalised, we can build you a fully functional website, using your existing domain or sourcing a new one. We ensure seamless integration and optimise accessibility for Google search, ensuring your site is easily discoverable online.


"Felix significantly improved our company’s site. His attention to detail and innovative designs were outstanding. Felix’s dedication and creativity greatly enhanced our sites experience."


CEO @ Pricesearcher

"Felix is an expert. Combining a strong technical knowhow with a solid background in research and a great mind for solving complex issues, it's easy to recommend Felix for his numerous skills"


Manager @ Amazon

"Superstar designer who can think outside the box and add valuable opinion and insight amongst some experienced heads. Involved in a lot of different areas, I highly recommend Felix"


CEO @ Aisle 3

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